„NanoHeal“ EU School organized by the Institute of Biomaterials
The 5th „NanoHeal“ School of the European Training Network (ETN) „Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials – Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces“ (NanoHeal) was held on 2-5 May 2017 in Nuremberg, organized by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Head of the Institute of Biomaterials.
The „NanoHeal“ network involves collaboration of 6 top European industrial and 6 academic groups, from Norway, Denmark, Italy, France, UK, Israel and Germany, investigating man-made and natural cement materials for a range of applications in an emerging interdisciplinary field spanning from basic sciences (physics, chemistry, earth sciences) to the corresponding engineering disciplines (materials science, civil engineering, petroleum engineering).
The project investigates innovative probes and models for nanoscale processes that open novel perspectives in the design and control of organo-mineral materials, e.g. cements. The network aims to educate young researchers at the interface between fundamental science and applications of such nanomaterials. The FAU lecturers were, in addition to Prof. A. R. Boccaccini, Prof. S. Wolf (WW3), Prof. R. Klupp-Taylor (Chair of Particle Technology). Dr. R. Detsch (WW7), Prof. M. Goecken (WW1), Dr. K. Hurle (Chair of Mineralogy), and Prof. A. Suncana-Smith (Department of Physics).